Lately, with such networking websites like Facebook and Tweeter, the number of people who used to visit personal blogs tends to decline. Creating a blogging community and to keep blogs alive is by understanding the importance of personal connection with the bloggers. Those who takes their time to leave a comment, it would be best to keep in touch with them or reply on the comment or via e-mail. Therefore, Comment E-mail Responder plugin for Wordpress allows to do both which makes it more convenient (Mueller 2009).
One blog centric community may have multiple authors in a single blog sharing their personal experience or information. Therefore, it is different than a traditional online community where this brings people closer. There would be rules and regulation for the members (White 2006).
Topic centric community arises between the blogs around with shared common interest such as entertainment and they have links from one blog to another via hyperlinks(White 2006).
Boundaried community is where members join this community and are given the opportunity to create blogs. Normally they have discussion board to voice out their opinions or even chat in their column(White 2006).
Global Voices community is topic centric blogging community where bloggers share their experiences from developing countries. This is the part where they also voice out their views of the topic (White 2006). However,acquiring more information among the links from one to another about a topic is not enough because the ideas are just circulating and agreeing among members of the community.
Mueller, E 2009,'How to Create Community on Your Blog (For Wordpress Users)',Blissfully Domestic,viewed 7th April 2010,
The Travel Tart 2009, 'What is a Blogging Community?',viewed 7th April 2010,
White, N 2006, 'Blogs and Community- Launching a New Paradigm for Online Community?', The Knowledge Tree,viewed 7th April 2010,
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